Fixing Your Split Ends

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Fixing Your Split Ends

Are you looking to fix your dead, split ends but are not looking to get a haircut every time? We can help! Each hair type and length is suitable for different types of hair damage or split ends. Although getting a haircut at your salon is one of the most effective ways, there are other ways to treat your split ends. These ways are often preventative to maintain your hair’s healthy and luscious look and feel. Discover below some ways to fix your dry, split ends or prevent them from occurring after your new, fresh haircut! 

Ways To Fix Your Dry, Split Ends Without A Haircut

Take a look at these three helpful ways to fix your split ends. If you are concerned about your split ends, contact your hairdresser for more information and helpful tips!

Treat Your Hair in The Shower

Treating hair that is visibly dry and damaged in the shower can help tame some of those frizzy split ends. Many different hair masks or treatments can be used in the shower. Be sure to follow the instructions and the length needed to be kept on your head before rinsing out. Brushing your hair as the mask is conditioning can be highly beneficial to ensure it treats every area of your head. Use a wide-toothed comb to brush through your conditioner and your hair mask or treatment, and you will notice great results!

Be Cautious of Hot Tools

Curlers, blow dryers, blow-dry brushes, straighteners, and other hot hair tools can cause damage if your hair is not adequately protected or overused. It goes without saying that hair styling tools are very hot and damaging to your hair. It’s important to always give your hair a break from hot tools when possible to avoid dry, split ends and damaged hair. When you choose to use these products, be sure to protect your head with a thermal heat protection product suitable for high temperatures. When you decide to blow dry your hair, be sure the nozzle attachment is on, as this helps to smoothen your hair as it dries while adding a little extra protection to each strand. Be sure not to leave any hot tools on your hair for too long in one area to avoid burning your hair and causing worse damage!

Brush and Detangle Properly

When most people brush their hair, they start at the top of their head and make their way down to the ends. But did you know that you are brushing your hair wrong? The correct, safest way to brush your hair is the reverse. Starting at your ends and detangling them first, you cause less damage and breakage to your hair. If you have knots, try your best to work those knots out on your hair’s ends before making your way up. The ends of your hair will take the brunt of your detangling, so going slope from tip to root will allow for safer brushing habits.

Schedule Your Haircut Appointment With Salon Viva Today!

For hair tips and any concerns you may have regarding your hair, Salon Viva is here to help! Our salon has expert stylists committed to helping you have healthy, luscious hair without all the chemicals and dyes! From our natural hair coloring to our professional bonded or tape-in hair extensions, our salon is committed to providing you with the highest quality of service. If you want a basic trim of your split ends or a brand-new style and color, contact us today for an appointment at 508-828-9399!